new year new blog

January 1, 2009: a long-delayed new beginning.

A new year, a new blog, born out of a combination of good intentions:

1) i love to read.
and I’m reading all the time. articles, blogs, magazines, books. or otherwise consuming other media: movies, tv, podcasts, websites.
in 2008 i wanted to read 25 books, and wouldn’t you know it on December 30 I finished #24. ย to defend my failure, i also started at least 10 others that are now in various stages of completion. i am a manic, distractable reader.

but finishing what i start. that’s a good resolution.

2) i love to write.
i always have. it’s what i want to do, and a handful of people who know what they’re talking about have told meย i’m pretty good at it (some days i’m not sure, but I keep trying). resolution lists for the last few years have included “get [something, anything] published”, and this year it’s at the top of the list. i don’t know why i’m more hopeful in 2009, but i think it’s about time.

prioritizing what i really want to do. that’s a good resolution.

3) i like blogging.
i like writing personal thoughts in a public forum. i like learning more about what the internet can do. i like accidental connections with strangers and far-away friends.
this whole blog is born out of a class i audited this fall called Writing For The Electronic Media. super-fun and thought provoking. all about web design, new media communication, blogging, etc. but as is my post-graduation habit, i fell behind thanks to work and other junk in my life, and even though i’m “just” auditing, I want to finish well.
(and in the very beginning i was doing so well…loving every new discovery. I remember the elation after my first hand-crafted html page. i wanted to sing “Dream Weaver” to Dreamweaver.)

so here we are, the start of a new year, and the start of a new blog, and already I’m playing a little catch-up with some great ideas, and i’m not sure exactly how to begin.

i know for a fact this could be a lot of fun.
i know for sure i want to read more this year, and do a better job of recording what i discover, what i think, what i imagine.
this gives me a nice excuse.